COMPOS is online, so all your interaction is through video calls, our online learning platform, forums, webinars and our YouTube channel. You can communicate with our staff by email and via our forums.
Once you have read all about us and decided this looks interesting, you need to register which is a simple sign up process. The link to register is on our Home Page.
We will notify you when the first assignments for your year group have gone live on our website, one maths and one physics. We release the first assignment at the start of September. Take a look and have a go at learning the topic and solving the problems for both papers. You must submit both physics and maths to get a place. You DO NOT need to get them all correct, some are deliberately really hard.
Send your work back to us by the deadline, usually mid-October. The process is simple, you upload it to an online classroom. We'll let you know how to do it.
Your work will be marked by one of our tutors and you will get the marks back.
Anyone who had a combined score of over 50% last year was offered a place. We are not looking for geniuses!
If you are offered a place and accept, we'll ask you to complete a more detailed registration form and tell us what days and times you are available. We will give you a tutor along with a small group of about 8 students your age. Your tutor will contact you to introduce themselves and send a link for your first online tutorial. Tutorials can be scheduled for after school or at weekends and are about 90 mins long.
Tutorials usually follow a pattern, one for reviewing the previous assignment, one for the current physics topic and one for the current maths topic. You submit your work for the assignment and repeat the process. Your tutor will mark your work and give you written feedback via the learning platform.
We take a break at Christmas and Easter, otherwise tutorials run each week at the same time.
Years 11 and 13 run from October to February, finishing early so you can revise. Years 10 and 12 run from October through to July.