Our mission
Our aim is to increase confidence, independent learning and enjoyment of the subject in our students. Our curriculum complements the school curriculum, presenting material at a higher and deeper level and concentrates on problem solving skills in physics and maths. We want to see an increase in the uptake of physics-related subjects by students at university and beyond.
By providing a long-term programme of extra-curricula support, we hope to emulate the success of advanced training programmes in the sports and arts, and foster the talent of the next generation of STEM graduates and scientists. COMPOS is currently free to all UK state school pupils to ensure as many STEM-talented students as possible can take part.
Additional support for students
Our funder prioritises reaching disadvantaged and under-represented groups in STEM and we encourage applications from female, non-binary, and socio-economically disadvantaged students. We use a broad definition of disadvantaged encompassing eligibility for free schools meals over a 6-year period, financial support at sixth form, local authority care experience and/or a home postcode within the bottom two quintiles for income. These students receive additional support in the form of tutorials to assist with the entrance assignment period, optional additional weekly tutorials if accepted, and a reduced admissions passing grade.
Students need to identify themselves as suitable for additional support when they apply. We have noticed that a lot of students don't know if they qualify for additional support because they don't know if they are classed as pupil premium - please help your students to correctly identify themselves when they apply.
How you can help
Let your students know about COMPOS, they need to register themselves on our home page. We rely on front-line teaching staff to get the word out and reach the students who would benefit from a free programme like this. Display our poster, talk to your keen students and direct them to our website. Please note: students must submit their own work, while it is fine to discuss the topic and problems, any submitted work must reflect a student's own abilities.
Start a COMPOS group at your school
We are developing the option for teachers to start a COMPOS group at their school. You would do this as an after-school activity (similar to an Olympiad club or Oxbridge club that run in some schools). It could be run by one or several teachers. You will receive all teaching materials, and support from our Lead Tutor. Your students will also be invited to participate in webinars. If you are interested, please send an email to our Lead Tutor Vlad Chernov - vladimir.chernov[аt]physics.ox.ac.uk